
Detailed information on the article submission procedure is available in the Épisciences documentation. The main steps are summarized below.

  1. If any, authors are invited to submit the supplementary material coming together with their article to a dedicated open archive (Zenodo, SoftwareHeritage...). See the last section of this page for more information.
  2. If not already done, the author submitting a manuscript to JTCAM has to create an account on the Épisciences platform.
  3. Prior to submission to JTCAM, the authors are invited to share their manuscript as a pdf document on an Open Archive of their choice (arXiv, HAL, Zenodo or CWI) using a valid Open Access license.
  4. Once an Open Archive identifier has been assigned to the manuscript, the manuscript can be submitted to JTCAM.
  5. The review procedure is then initiated and final decision is communicated to the authors.
  6. If revisions are requested, authors should update the manuscript on the Open Archive and use the JTCAM platform to communicate this along with a detailed response to the reviewers.
  7. Once an article is accepted for publication, the final version is prepared internally and sent to the authors for final submission on the Open Archive.
  8. An open review history is also prepared with the review content and the author's response.
  9. The link to the paper is indicated in the list of published papers on JTCAM's webpage.
