Because of their simplicity, efficiency and ability for parallelism, FFT-based methods are very attractive in the context of numerical periodic homogenization, especially when compared to standard FE codes used in the same context. They allow applying to a unit-cell a uniform average strain with a periodic strain fluctuation that is an unknown quantity. Solving the problem allows to evaluate the complete stress-strain fields. The present work proposes to extend the use of the method from uniform loadings (i.e. uniform applied strain) to strain gradient loadings (i.e. strain fields with a uniform strain gradient) while keeping the algorithm as simple as possible. The identification of a subset of strain gradient loadings allows for a minimally invasive modification of the iterative algorithm so that the implementation is straightforward. In spite of a reduced subset of 9 independent loadings among the 18 available, the second part of the paper demonstrates that it is enough for considering the homogenization of beams and plates. A first application validates the approach and compares it to another FFT-based method dedicated to the homogenization of plates. The second application concerns the homogenization of beams, for the first time considered (to author's knowledge) with an FFT-based solver. The method applies to different beam cross-sections and the proposition of using composite voxels drastically improves the numerical solution when the beam cross-section is not conform with the spatial discretization, especially for torsion loading. As a result, the massively parallel AMITEX_FFTP code has been slightly modified and now offers a new functionality, allowing the users to prescribe torsions and flexions to beam or plate heterogeneous unit-cells.