Fabien Coussa ; Julien Berthe ; Matthieu Ragonet - Rate dependency and ply thickness influence on transverse cracking evolution in cross-ply laminates

jtcam:7062 - Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics, May 5, 2022 - https://doi.org/10.46298/jtcam.7062
Rate dependency and ply thickness influence on transverse cracking evolution in cross-ply laminatesArticle

Authors: Fabien Coussa ORCID1; Julien Berthe ORCID2,3; Matthieu Ragonet 1

  • 1 DMAS, ONERA [Lille]
  • 2 DMAS, ONERA [Lille]
  • 3 Laboratoire de Mécanique, Multiphysique, Multiéchelle - UMR 9013

In this study, the rate dependency of transverse cracking evolution in cross-ply laminates is investigated for several 90° plies thicknesses. The crack detection methodology is based on a recently proposed protocol relying on the use of infrared thermography. A new analysis methodology is proposed to make it more robust and to directly link the spatial localization of the crack with the stress level at which it occurs. Based on this methodology, the results obtained for various loading rates and 90° ply thicknesses are analysed. The crack density evolution with respect to stress apply to the laminate exhibits a rate dependency only for the [0/90]s configuration. This rate dependency is finally discussed based on transverse crack onset theories in cross-ply laminates.

Published on: May 5, 2022
Accepted on: January 25, 2022
Submitted on: January 8, 2021
Keywords: Infrared thermography,Rate dependency,Transverse cracking,Composite materials,[SPI]Engineering Sciences [physics],[PHYS]Physics [physics],[CHIM]Chemical Sciences


Has review
Fabien Coussa, Julien Berthe, Matthieu Ragonet, Julien Réthoré. Review of “Rate dependency and ply thickness influence on transverse cracking evolution in cross-ply laminates”. 2022. ⟨hal-03566740⟩

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