Lucien Laiarinandrasana ; Olga Klinkova ; Cristian Ovalle ; Peter Cloetens ; Henry Proudhon et al. - Deformation and cavitation at the spherulite scale of an isotactic polypropylene

jtcam:11335 - Journal of Theoretical, Computational and Applied Mechanics, September 26, 2024 -
Deformation and cavitation at the spherulite scale of an isotactic polypropyleneArticle

Authors: Lucien Laiarinandrasana ORCID1,2; Olga Klinkova ORCID3,4; Cristian Ovalle ORCID1,2; Peter Cloetens 5,6; Thilo Morgeneyer ORCID1,2

Engineering stress-strain curves are generated from tensile tests on semi-crystalline thermoplastics, which may exhibit non-linearity and/or peak stress associated with striction/necking phenomenon of the specimen at the macroscopic scale. This work addresses this state of deformed specimen, on an isotactic polypropylene, where irreversible strains have led to a variable cross-sectional area along the necked region. 3D images in this region, obtained through Synchrotron Radiation Computed Tomography with two high resolutions are exploited. The best resolution (1 pixel length = 0.05 μm) allowed better understanding of the morphology of several deformed spherulites within which polar fan arrangements are clearly detailed. Thanks to the dentification of the boundaries of spherulite patterns, with a 0.7 μm resolution, the longitudinal and transverse elongations of larger numbers of spherulites are measured. The evolution of the volumetric plastic strains due to cavitation at the spherulitic scale along the necked regions is comprehensively analysed. Volume changes at this scale are highlighted, consisting of an increase in the case of void growth followed by a decrease at large strains due to the collapse of elongated voids. The effects of these results on the establishment of reliable constitutive model are discussed. It is found that accounting for plastic dilation is necessary for the accuracy of constitutive models.

Published on: September 26, 2024
Accepted on: December 20, 2023
Submitted on: May 19, 2023
Keywords: Spherulite,Cavitation,Deformation,Tomography,Semi-crystalline Polymer,[SPI]Engineering Sciences [physics]


Has review
Lucien Laiarinandrasana, Olga Klinkova, Cristian Ovalle, Peter Cloetens, Henry Proudhon, et al.. Open Review of "Deformation and cavitation at the spherulite scale of semi-crystalline polymers". 2024. ⟨hal-04614645⟩

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